S179D Certifications

If you have completed construction of a new building, or have completed building renovations that improve its energy efficiency, your building may qualify for an S179D Certification.

Section 179D is a tax incentive that lets building owners and eligible designers/builders claim a tax deduction of up to $1.80 per square foot for installing qualifying energy-efficient systems and buildings. Tenants may also qualify if they make the construction expenditures.


If you’re interested in obtaining an s179D certification for your building, call us at 612-216-0968 or contact us online for more information. We will need the most current tax depreciation schedule for the property and the complete set of Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing plans (MEP Plans).

HVAC Updates and Retrofits

The decision to retrofit an entire HVAC System is much easier due to the faster returns on investment from the increased efficiency of HVAC equipment.

Equipment That Can Qualify:

  • Centralized HVAC
  • Chillers
  • Demand Control Ventilation
  • Direct Fired Heaters
  • Energy Recovery Ventilation
  • Gas-Fired Chillers combined with Electric Chillers
  • Geothermal (Ground Source Heat Pumps)
  • High-Efficiency VRF Units
  • Magnetic Bearing Chillers
  • Thermal Storage
  • Variable Air Volume Devices (VAV)

Find Out How Much You Can Save on Your Taxes.

We will provide an estimate of benefits along with our flat fee to complete the Section 179D study. Contact us to discuss your project in more detail.